I’m Esther and welcome to It’s all in a Nutshell Crochet! I’m Dutch and live in The Netherlands, a country on the west coast of Europe.
If you want to contact me, you can send an email to itsallinanutshell@gmail.com.
If you would like to support my crochet designs and videos, you can buy me a cup of coffee.
Esther, Thanks so much for your work in producing Sophie video tutorials. I would not be able to do this without you!
No kidding!!! I am so grateful. My foster dad is Dutch, so I am enjoying your accent as I listen.
I have been watching all your vids on Sofies Universe as i want to make it once I have finished my Corner to corner blanket. You are a great teacher
Thank you Esther for your video tutotials, i can not make the Sophie without your help. I am really greatful.
Hi Esther! I finally made time to actually look at the rest of your site and to see the face of the lovely voice on the “Sophie’s Universe” tutorials! You are a wonderful teacher – thank you so very much for doing these for all of us 🙂
I just started my Sophie about 2 weeks ago, and am just now on (I think) Round 32 or 33! I am using what yarn I can find to make her, and it is still turning out beautiful! One day I will buy some very special yarn in a multitude of colors to make another one. Now that I see what some of these look like through the end of Part 11, I’ll know better how to actually put my next one together so that the leaves & flowers stand out.
Thank you again!
Esther, I have only just started Sophie’s Universe. I would like to thank you very much for your wonderful tuition on your videos. I have only managed a little crochet before so i only have very basic knowledge. So far with your help I have completed part one and I have the correct amount of stitches, I am amazed. Thank you again.
Voor mij is het al meer dan 30 jaar geleden dat ik een haakwerkje in mijn handen heb gehad.
Door jou perfecte uitleg op youtube ben ik in staat om de Sophie’s universe moeiteloos mee te haken.
Heel erg bedankt hiervoor. ?
Graag gedaan! Ik maak deze video’s juist voor mensen zoals jij. Soms is een klein beetje hulp of een steuntje in de rug het enige dat je nodig hebt 🙂
Hoi Esther!
Ik ben zoooo blij met je hulp op YouTube. Dankjewel dankjewel! Ik vraag me alleen af (ehhh altijd hihi)…wat is dat geluid toch op de achtergrond? Een soort ventilator of…?
Graag gedaan. Naar welke video verwijs je specifiek? Soms hoor je water door de leidingen stromen. Die zijn bij ons nogal luidruchtig. Dat is een zoemend geluid.
Ik kijk naar je super fantastische handleiding van sophies garden. Ik ben nu bij week 5. Ik hoor op elke video een soort tikkend geluid. Alsof er een ventilator aan staat of eennhsmdter misschien in zo’n draaitolletje?
Het is vooral nieuwsgierigheid hoor 😉 maar manlief en ik hebben er hele discussies over wat het nu is hahaha.
Wat lief dat je al zo snel reageert!
Lieve groet, Nathalie
Ik denk dat het de focus van de camera is. Mijn camera is langzamerhand toe aan vervanging. Als hij continu aan het focussen is hoor je idd de motor een beetje tikken. Dit is het geluid dat je hoort 🙂
Ik ben blij dat je iets aan de video’s hebt.
H Esther, I’m loving mandala madness !!! Hugs from Brazil
Hallo Esther
hartelijk dank voor je heldere uitleg en prettige manier van lesgeven.
Ik heb zoveel geleerd en de nieuwe technieken toegepast bij mijn eigen verzinsels, ik ben namelijk gek van poncho’s haken.
groetjes Astrid
Leuk om te horen, en graag gedaan ?
Hi Esther, forward please excuse my Bad Englisch but i am a german girl and i Dont have talked or written in english for long long years.
Your Instruktion Videos are fantastic slow and very cleare you are a beautiful teacher so i can followe every Light step by step without Problems. I have started with Your helpful Videos with Sophies univers and in combination with the patterns and for now its very good and if i can this bring to an end i want to make the mandala madness? i hope i will take this to a good end.
Now i have a little short question. Esther is IT possible that i can make the mandalamadness in the end round as a Quadrat i mean as a recangle i hope you understand what i mean sorry but in english to say what i mean is very difficult to me. If you can Tell me howe i can make this i Was very happy thanks to you for now.
Dear Esther i hope you have many many ideas for more Videos and projects.
Friendly greetings sends you
Thank you for your kind words.
Yes, there is a pattern to make mandala Madness into a square. I do not have a video for that. The written pattern is here
Hi Esther, i say many many thanks to you Quick answer and that is exacatly what i have mean about My question and i am so thankfull. Pleas go on with your beautiful Videos and i hope you have many ideas for more fantastic cal Projekts.
Kind greetings
Hi Esther i am working in the Moment of the beautiful blanket Sophies univers in combination with Your fantastic Videos and the pattern of course. But i have now another question to you and i hope you can help me again. So my question is if the blanket is all done i mean totally complete can you answer me how big it is and is it possibel that to make the blanket much bigger than after it is finished and can you Tell me how? Do you understand what i mean? I must say sorry again for my horrable english but it is very difficult to me my problem to bring in the right words but i hope dear Esther that you understand and can help me again and Thanks so much for all. Thanks to you for the Moment.
Greetings lally
The size of sophie’s Universe depends on the yarn weight you used.
You can extend Sophie using the small squares jack and Lydia. They were designed for exactly that purpose
Hi Esther thank you for Your Quick answer. But this is Not what i have mean about my question. I have mean if its possible to make the size bigger of Sophies univers without the small squares around after All 18rounds and if i can Do this can you Tell me witch rounds i must crochet that my blanker is bigger in the size when it is complete. I am using for the Sophies univers catania Originals cotton yarn 50g 125m. Mayby that is now helpfully for Your backanswer about my question. I say deep thanks from my hart to you and i hope you can write me back.
Greetings sends you
You could consider doing Around the Bases to extend your Sophie.
Hi Esther, thanks again for Your Quick and so helpful reply. Thats a very very good idea to make my Sophies bigger with the rounds of around the base. Many Many thanks again from my heart for Your kindnes help and god bless you. Until next.
Kind greeting Lally
Thoroughly njoyed making my version of nutsaboutsquares…Thanks Esther, your crochet videos are the reason for a lot of happiness!
Beste Esther, bij de video van Sophie’s universe gebruik je Cotton 8 van Scheepjes. Ik vind de kleuren samenstelling heel mooi. Ik zou dat willen gebruiken voor de Universe XL.
Heb geen idee hoeveel ik dan nodig hebt en in welke volgorde. De Cotton 8 op de site is voor de kleinere CAL .
Kunt u mij verder helpen? Hartelijke groet Rita
Hoi Rita, op de website van de ontwerpster staat hoeveel garen je nodig hebt voor de Stone Washed XL versie. Dat kun je hier vinden. https://lookatwhatimade.net/crafts/yarn/crochet/sophies-universe-cal-2015/sophies-universe-cal-2015-information/#size