Temperature Projects

What is a temperature blanket or project?

The idea behind a temperature blanket, or any temperature project for that matter, is that you have a predefined series of colors linked to a range of temperatures plus a pattern that is worked over 365 days. Then, as the year progresses, you work a row of the pattern each day, using the color that corresponds to the temperature of that day.

FREE Temperature Projects

Here you find an overview of all my FREE crochet patterns to make a temperature project for any year you choose. For each project, I give color ranges and yarn estimates. I have based these starting amounts and the temperature ranges on the general weather pattern for my country and it’s nothing more than an estimate. You can also shift the temperatures up or down as needed for your climate.

You can make a blanket like my Faded Fantasy blanket which I am making in 2020, or my C2C Temperature blanket which I made in 2018. If a blanket is maybe too much, what about my Bohemian Temperature Wrap I made in 2019?

Where do I find my temperatures?

I use the maximum temperature for each day, but you can also use the minimum temperature, average temperature, or temperature at a certain time during the day. I use a website called www.weerstatistieken.nl to find information on the temperatures for my city. Weerstatistieken.nl gives the temperatures recorded at all official weather stations in The Netherlands. A search on the internet should give you similar websites for your own country.

How much yarn do I need?

It’s just about impossible for me to answer that question. The reason is that the amount of each color you use is linked to the weather, and there is nothing as unpredictable as the weather! I give yarn estimates which you can use as a starting point, but it is more than possible that if your climate is very different to mine, that your yarn usage is also very different to mine.

Should I work a gauge swatch?

I want to encourage you to make a gauge swatch so that you have an idea of what you can expect the final size of your project to be.  You don’t want to end up with a blanket the size of a house! In each pattern I give instructions for making a guage swatch, and using it to estimate your final size. I encourage you to make wise choices regarding yarn thickness and hook size based on your gauge swatch.


Hierboven vindt je een overzicht van al mijn GRATIS patronen om een ??temperatuurproject te maken. Het idee achter een temperatuurproject is dat je een vooraf gedefinieerde kleurenspectrum hebt gekoppeld aan een reeks temperaturen. Naarmate het jaar vordert, werk je elke dag een rij van het patroon met de kleur die overeenkomt met de temperatuur van die dag. Je kunt ervoor kiezen om de maximumtemperatuur, de minimumtemperatuur of de gemiddelde temperatuur te gebruiken. Voor elk project geef ik mijn kleuren en maak ik een schatting van hoeveel garen je nodig zal hebben. Ik heb deze starthoeveelheden en de temperatuurbereiken gebaseerd op het algemene weerpatroon voor Nederland. Ik gebruik www.weerstatistieken.nl om de temperatuur van mijn woonplaats op te zoeken.