I sometimes get asked by someone how they can support me and my work. These conversations made me realize that many people don’t know how to support me when the best part of it is, its free and doesn’t cost you a thing! Everything you do to support me helps to make it possible for me to keep on making free video tutorials for you.

Don’t use an add-blocker
Maybe the best way you can support me is to watch my video tutorials and visit my blog. You will notice that at the bottom of each blog post there is a small add. I have no control over what add is shown as the add is directly linked to your browsing history. I get paid a small amount by the publisher of those adds to have them shown to you.
Similarly on my YouTube channel there is a short add played at the start of a video and after 5 seconds you can skip the add. Again I have no control over which add is shown to you and again I get paid a small amount by the publisher of that add.

I realize that many people find adds very annoying and therefore have add-blockers installed so that they don’t see them when viewing a video or a blog post. However, this means that I don’t get any revenue from views on my channel or blog by people who have an add-blocker installed. So if you want to support me and my work, don’t use an add-blocker. I hope you can find the energy to watch a 5 second add before viewing my 1 hour video. 🙂
Buy your supplies through my affiliate links
Another great way to support my work is to buy your supplies through the affiliate links on my blog. Again, this doesn’t cost you a thing but it is an extra source of income for me.
How it works is that I post links in my blogposts to shops where you can buy the yarn or other products that I am using. When you then buy anything from that shop, also things that I did not link to from that shop, the shop owner pays me a small commission based on your purchase. It costs you absolutely nothing, but makes a big difference for me.
The main shop I get commission from is Wool Warehouse for international orders, Jimmy Beans Wools for orders from the USA, and Caro’s Atelier for Dutch orders. I promise that I only link to yarn and other supplies that I actually use or would use. I will never recommend anything to you that I don’t believe in myself!
Make a donation
Watching my videos, visiting my blog or buying your supplies through the links on my blog are all totally free for you. It costs you absolutely nothing.
If however you feel you want to do something extra you can make a small donation to me through PayPal. Obviously this does cost you real money. 🙂 Any amount, no matter how small, I greatly appreciate. Think of it as buying me a cup of thee; lemon thee is my favorite by the way.
Buy something from my SHOP
I have a small online shop, It’s all in a Nutshell SHOP. In my shop I have kits and goodies I use in my videos. The shop is very much focused on my own work, I have no intention of becoming a yarn shop.
One thing I want to say very clearly, I am not writing this post to ask you for money! On the contrary, I am writing this post so that you see how you can support me without spending any money at all.

I want to thank all of you for your kind support over the last two years that we have been together. I hope to keep on inspiring you and helping you to make many more beautiful projects yourself.
With love,

Follow me on
Facebook, YouTube, Ravelry, Instagram
This post contains affiliate links. Please read my disclosure and copyright policy. All opinions are my own and I only link to products I use or would use. Thank you for using the links on my blog and supporting my work.
Copyright (c) 2014-2025 It’s all in a Nutshell Creations. All rights reserved.
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I want to thank you Esther for without your video tutorials I would not have been able to complete Sophie or the incredible Mandala Madness. Your videos are so easy to follow and you make it all achievable! So thank you thank you! ??????
You are very welcome Raye 🙂
Thank you so much Esther for each video tutorial. I love using them and love to crochet that way with you..??I have recommended your tutorials to my friends and family too and will continue to do so. Uncountable blessings is my wish for you xxx
Thank you Sharon <3
Thank you for clarifying this. I have often wondered how this works. I will continue to watch your wonderful tutorials and follow your recommendations on how to return in kind.
I find it important to be transparent how things work and how I make an income from my crochet channel and blog. 🙂
thank you, there is a long story behind that! Just know that you have help me climb out of a very dark hole, and back to what I ?, crochet. I love your videos, I am still working on my mandala and next I will be doing Sophie. I started Sophie so many times, ( before I found your video) and could not read the pattern. I have been crocheting for 40 years, but lost my concentration, due to stress! With your help, I am happy to say I’m back!
welcome back <3
Hi Esther, my daughter and I love your YouTube videos and we visit your blog often. I want to say that your videos are so professionally done and actually so calming. We love that you don’t rush thru them and you are clearly understood. We are making madness which is our first Mandala and without you I don’t think we would have gotten as far as we have. I had no idea how to support you or how the ads worked. Thank you for explaining this and also for your excellent videos and blog. You truly are a blessing to so many. God bless you hun!
Ok Thx. Ur Utube Videos are a great help.
By the way
I see u use and I love the clover hooks as well but I stuck one in my mouth the day to hold, and urgh they taste awful which made me wonder: Are they toxic or carcinogenetic? After we hold them for long times and could be absorbing toxins through our skin Anyone know?
I don’t think they are toxic. The handles are plastic and many dyes and other additives have a strange taste, but they are not meant for eating ? It’s like opening a brand new book, it also smells from the inkt used.
Esther, you are invaluable! You have played such an important part in so many people’s crochet journey. You are appreciated and you are loved x
Thank you Dedri <3
Hi Esther, I do read all the newsletters you send and from there on I am looking to the other websites you name in your posts. You are my bassis 🙂
Till now I collected your tutorials for a later moment. But from now on I will look at them once in a while. You have a lovely voice and the information is helpfull even if i don”t need in now.
Enjoy your tea and cake. 🙂
Thank you for you support 🙂
Thank you so much for your kindness and sharing of your knowledge. You and I have spent some very comfortable evenings together and I find your instructions very helpful and your voice very soothing. I consider us friends even if the chances of us meeting in person are very slim. I live in Alberta and would like to extend and invitation to come visit if the opportunity presents itself. Stay well and keep on being happy.
Thank you for the invitation. If I am ever in that part of the world, I might just take you up on that offer ?
Dear Esther
What a wonderful blog: very well presented, very interesting posts and videos, beautiful photos. Thank you for sharing your talent and knowledge. It takes a lot of work and time to do it.
Best wishes and stitches!
p.s. your explanation on adds were very helpful!
thank you <3
Hi, Esther,
I wanted to say how much I appreciate and enjoy your videos. They are so clear and, like others have commented, you have a very calm and soothing voice, which helps enormously! Thank you for the explanation of how you make money from your blog and videos. I wasn’t sure how that worked before either.
Hi Esther, I love your colourful work, it brightens up my day. Please could you tell me where I could find the pattern for the lovely rectangles with ‘ flowers’ on each row. It’s the first picture on the right of your works and is the picture on the top of the Demelza patterns. Thanks in advance. Hugs Keith xxx
This is the one I mean. Hugs Keith xxx
Hi Esther, I looked a bit harder and found your dedicated video page. Thank you so much ?
Hugs. Keith xxx
I don’t need to link you to anything anymore, right? ?
Enjoy your new project
Esther you’re wonderful.
Keith xxx
Liebe Esther,
heute habe ich die Reihe 103 geschafft und nun ist das Ende “meiner Sophie” abzusehen.
Erneut danke ich Ihnen heute nochmal für Ihre wunderschönen Videos, ohne deren Hilfe ich die Decke never ever geschafft hätte. Ihre ruhige Art der Erklärung und Ihre schöne Stimme haben mir das Häkeln wirklich leicht gemacht und ich hatte soviel Freude, obwohl mein “Schulenglisch” sich nach gut 50 Jahren doch sehr verflüchtigt hat …! Da ich aber nun so an Ihre Stimme gewöhnt bin, werde ich mich auf Ihrem Blog und bei youtube nach weiteren Videos umschauen und diese ansehen, denn das “thank you for watching” oder
“see you by the next round” wird mir mit Sicherheit fehlen. Gerne würde ich Ihnen nach Fertigstellung auch meine Sophie mal zeigen, aber wie kann ich das machen???? Paypal habe ich selber leider keins, werde aber versuchen, in meinem Bekanntenkreis jemanden zu suchen/finden, der Ihnen eine kleine Spende von mir zukommen lässt. Das haben Sie sich wirklich verdient, es war wirklich eine schöne Zeit mit Ihnen.
Danke dafür und liebe Grüße, Brigitte
Thank you for your kind words. Of you would like to share your work, you can do so on my Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/itsallinanutshell
I love the colors on the Elements tutorial and want to purchase them. I have done Sophie’s Universe and Mandela Madness via your tutorials and love them; however, I have used acrylic yarn. The Scheepjes yarn looks so lovely I want to try it. Problem is, I don’t know how much of each color to order. Please help me figure out how much yarn to purchase. Thanks in advance.
At this point I have not finished my Elements so i dont know my fim al yarn amounts. On the website of the designer you can find the yarn amounts for her stonewashed version. Under resources in each Elements post
Bonjour vos ouvrages sont splendides, avez vous les lien et tuto en français svp?
As you can see, all my work is in English.
Thx you Esther from a massive fan in uk. I absolutely love listening to your voice. The South African accent is so calming and gentle. You have taught me so much and I’ve loved doing sooooo many of your videos. Currently doing nuts about squares and am loving it. Love hearing about your snoring cat and the funny noises it makes. You are part of my crochet family. Stay safe and keep videoing. Don’t know what I’d do without you to follow. Thx u thx u thx. Alison ????
Thank you, I do my best 🙂
Beste Esther, wat kun je het mooi verwoorden. Ben blij al ik 5 seconden een reclame hoeft te kijken en jij daar iets aan verdient.
Ook ben ik blij om te lezen hoe het in elkaar steekt.
Het is echt heerlijk om naar je stem te luisteren. En je doet het echt fantastisch.
Grappig, soms praat ik terug. ..
Je bent inmiddels onderdeel van mijn leven op een zeer positieve manier.
Dank je wel daarvoor.
Liefs Carin