Crochet, Nederlands, Pattern, Video tutorial

Nuts about Squares CAL – Week 4

Yes, it is that time of the week again! Time for a new installment of Nuts about Squares CAL. This week we have an unusual square by a lesser known designer. For week 4 of Nuts about Squares we are making Le Vesinet designed by Sigrun Hugoey. We first make little circles, then connect them to make a square, and then add a border around the square circles (is that even possible, square circles?) to make the final square. Connecting the circles is a bit time consuming, but the result is interesting and different.

Resources and useful links

The pattern is published on Ravelry. If you are not a member of this platform you can make a free account or download the pattern as a guest. Ravelry is a large platform with thousands of free, legal patterns.


Het patroon staat op Ravelry. Als je nog geen lid bent van dit platform kun je een gratis account aanmaken of als gast een patroon downloaden. Click op “Free Ravelry Download” op het patroonpagina en sla de Nederlandse vertaling op.

Yarn kits

The 3 colorways Nuts about the EarthNuts about the Sea, and Nuts about the Sky are available as kits. You can use one of the suggested kits/colorways, or you can use your own colors and yarn.

I have kits available for all three Nuts About Squares Colorways in my SHOP HERE. Choose between Nuts About Squares – EARTH in Scheepjes Stone Washed, Nuts About Squares – SEA in Scheepjes Colour Crafter, and Nuts About Squares – SKY in Scheepjes Sunkissed.

I have a detailed post with all the yarn information, amounts, weights and color combinations for the 3 colorways, you can find the yarn/color information HERE.

Color chart

The colors for each row are given in the Color Chart Week 4 for each of the three colorways or you can follow the general colorway in the table below.

Instructions Nuts about Squares week 4

Use the following hook sizes to make your squares or the hook size you need to get the correct size:

  • Color Crafter – 4.0mm
  • Stone Washed – 3.5mm
  • Sunkissed – 3.0mm

Update: I see that there are some (not all) ladies whose squares for week 4 turn out smaller. You can do several things; you can go up a hook size by 0.5mm or work dc/tr in round 10 or both. The size of your square is determined by the size of the circles you make. If they are on the small side, your total square will be small also.

Work Rounds 1 to 9 according to the written pattern or video tutorial using the colorway for week 4 given above. A small tip for Round 5, I replaced the ch3 stitches with ch2 stitches because I found that my work bobbled less. I also show this tip in the video tutorial. Work 3 squares in total.

Work an extra round to bring the final stitch count to 44 stitches per side. Round 10 using color A, attach yarn with a standing hdc or ch2 in any ch2-corner space, ch2, and 1hdc in same corner space. This is your new corner made. *Skip first st, 1hdc on each of the next 42 st, (1hdc, ch2, 1hdc) in next ch2-space. Repeat from * 3 more times, omitting the last corner on the final repeat. Join to the first st with a ss. [44 hdc per side]

Repeat Round 10 for all 3 squares. Round 10 is also shown in THIS VIDEO. Block your squares to the following sizes:

  • Color Crafter – 25cm (10in)
  • Stone Washed – 22cm (9in)
  • Sunkissed – 20cm (7.5in)

Nederlandse Instructies (Dutch) voor Nuts about Squares week 4

Gebruik de volgende maat haaknaald om je vierkantjes te maken, of de maat haaknaald dat jij nodig hebt om de juiste maat vierkantje te krijgen:

  • Color Crafter – 4.0mm
  • Stone Washed – 3.5mm
  • Sunkissed – 3.0mm

Update: Ik zie dat bij sommige, maar niet iedereen, het vierkantje van deze week kleiner uitvalt. Je kunt een aantal dingen doen. Je kunt een haaknaald groter nemen, dus 0.5mm groter dan dat je tot nu toe gebruikt hebt, je kunt toer 10 stokjes/dubbel stokjes haken, of je kunt beide doen (grotere haaknaald en grotere steken voor toer 10). De rede waarom sommige een kleiner vierkantje hebben is omdat de rondjes bij sommige kleiner uitvallen, en dan wordt het totaal ook kleiner. Haken is maatwerk, neem de vrijheid om te spelen met steken om je vierkantje op maat te krijgen.

Werk Toer 1 tot 9 volgens het geschreven patroon of gebruik de Engelstalige instructie video met de kleurverdeling voor week 4 zoals hierboven. Een kleine tip voor Toer 5, ik heb de 3l steken vervangen voor 2l omdat ik heb gemerkt dat het dan minder gaat bobbelen. Maak in totaal 3 vierkantjes.

Werk nu een extra toer om je vierkantjes heen om tot 44 steken per kant te komen. Voor Toer 10 hecht kleur A aan met een staand hst of 2l in enige 2l-hoek, 2l, 1hst in dezelfde 2l-hoek. Dit is je nieuwe hoek. *Sla de eerste steek over, 1hst in ieder van de volgende 42 steken, (1hst, 2l, 1hst) in volgende 2l-ruimte. Herhaal vanaf * nog 3 keer waarbij je de hoek overslaat bij de laatste herhaling. Sluit met 1hv op de eerste steek en hecht af. [44 hst per kant]

Tip: mocht je vierkantje groter of kleine uitvallen dan je vorige vierkantjes voel je vrij om toer 10 met stokjes of vasten te haken.

Herhaal Toer 10 voor alle vierkantjes. Ik laat Toer 10 ook zien in deze Engelstalige instructievideo. Span je vierkantjes op op de volgende maaten:

  • Color Crafter – 25cm
  • Stone Washed – 22cm
  • Sunkissed – 20cm

Video tutorials

If you appreciate a visual support to the pattern, you can follow the video for Le Vesinet. This video shows you how to make the original square.

After you have completed the original pattern you need to add an extra round using Color A to bring your total stitch count to 44 stitches. I also show you how to do this in a short video.

Share your squares

When you have completed your 3 squares and have added the extra row you are again finished for this week. At this point you have 12 squares and you can already make a mini blanket if you place them next to one another. If you would like to share your work you can do so in the Official CCC Social Group on Facebook, share it on my Facebook page or tag me in your post on Instagram. If you use the hastag #NutsAboutSquares it will help me find it.

I hope to see all of you next week for part 5 of Nuts about Squares CAL.

With love,

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33 thoughts on “Nuts about Squares CAL – Week 4”

      1. never mind!! I see that the Norwegian pattern is in English…getting started now!! thanks!

  1. Hi
    My square is much smaller than it should be – I’ll need to use a larger hook. Your update says the size of the circles determines the size of the finished square – my circle square is 8cm x 8cm. Is this much different to the size of your circle square (as an indication of which hook size I need to use)?

    I’m also considering working dc for the sc rows to increase the size.

    Thanks in advance for any advice you can give!

    1. Mine are also about 8cm, so that is good. I suggest doing the rounds after the circles with a larger hook to get your size up.
      And if all else fails, work an extra round, so a round 11.

  2. Hi Esther, I’m putting together my own colour scheme in DK for the nuts about squares. The weight of the skeins is the same but the length is 270 rather than 300. Which should I use as the guidline for how much to buy? Thanks

    1. You can go with the same number of balls. There is extra yarn in the kits sold i suspect that you will have less yarn left at the end. Possibly for yarn F you may need an extra ball, but wait with that till the border, then you will know for sure.

  3. Hi, I’m late starting Nuts and have just opened week 4. The link to the colour chart is not working and I’m a bit stuck as I’m using my own colour scheme. Can you guide me to a working link. Thanks. Joy

      1. Unfortunately, still can’t get it to work. Comes up with an error message say “404 – file not found”.

  4. Dear Esther, As far as I can see right now, week 5 is the same as week 4. Is this an oversight??
    Could you please let me know where the pattern of week 5 has gone 🙂
    Thank you in advance.
    Petra Hänsch

    1. Never mind Esther, have found it. Should have looked a bit further than I did. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  5. Hi Esther i love your blog and you make excellent videos for the patterns.
    a have my small problem with my square for week 4, it’s only 17 cm before i work the last row bringing it to 44 st. can i work Dc instead of hdc, then it will likely measure 19-19,5 would that
    work out or should i do the square over. ?
    thanks in advance for your answer.
    keep up the good work you do
    Happy hooking

  6. This post is in reference to week 4. I can’t seem to find the written pattern for this square. I’ve looked all over this page. Usually “written pattern” is highlighted but not so with this particular one. Please help!!!

  7. I am a starter for blankets and I like the nuts for squares. I am downloading all the weeks but I have seen that for week 5 again the explanation of week 4 is available.
    Is it possible to have the pattern and information for week 5.
    Many thanks

      1. It is verry strange. With my smartphone, I have found week 5, but when I do it with my tablet, I have week 4. I have now the info that I want. Many thanks for your reply.
        Lieve Andries

      1. Hello Annette, no, there is no single pdf file because all the parts of the pattern are owned by someone else. in each part I link to the original design by the designer. I give details on how to place the colors and how to add the extra round

  8. Hoi Esther, dankjewel voor je duidelijke instructies. Echter wat doe ik fout? In week 4 na rij 9 heb ik 43 st volgens het patroon. Maar na die extra toer zijn het er toch altijd 45 in plaats van 44?

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